The purpose of .alsace is to bring Alsatian culture and identity to the Internet, make our region more visible internationally and boost the digital economy in Alsace.

Sharing the values of Alsace

Intensity & Pleasure
Balance & Creation of links
Optimism & Practicality
Humanism & Global Citizenship
Excellence & Innovation

Show the world that you are in Alsace!

Are you in Alsace? Say it simply, with your .alsace domain name! The online users you are targeting will find you and identify you more easily.

Increase your qualified traffic!

With a .alsace domain name, you’ll improve your Web indexing! The results of various studies, such as the one on .berlin, show that sites with a geographical extension are more relevant in Google for local searches. You, too, can make the most of domain names that draw in qualified traffic!

Get closer to your customers!

Highlight your geographical identity and make it a key feature of your activity and attractiveness. Call attention to your uniqueness directly in your website address and by integrating the .alsace extension into your digital communications.

Opportunities are coming!

Do you communicate with a hard-to-memorise website address? Do you use a .com or .fr extension, for lack of anything better? Thanks to .alsace, you will communicate better, target better and present yourself better.  Be creative! Invent your domain name with .alsace and take advantage of the wide availability of names!

Create new services

Starting in the landrush period, take the opportunity to register a domain name with high added value, which is both clear and expressive, to create new services! With .alsace, set yourself apart from your competitors!

Examples: delivery.alsace  – bestprice.alsace  –  foodtruck.alsace

How to register
your domain in .alsace ?

The Alsace Region is not selling domain names directly.

You may buy your domain name from one of the registrars accredited by .alsace.

If you usually buy your domain name through intermediaries, such as a communication agency, web agency, law firm or intellectual property consultant, talk to them about .alsace! Your service provider will be able to register  your .alsace domain for you.

Alsatian registrars and resellers: let .alsace know about you!

Contact us !


Launch of the official .alsace website

The official launch of the .alsace extension is coming soon! In order to explain this project...


Welcome to the official .alsace website!

Are you a company, a public service or a trademark owner? On this website dedicated to the .alsace...


The .alsace extension is here!

At the same level as the famous and historic extensions such as .com, .fr, .org and .eu, .alsace...


Who can obtain a .alsace domain?

The .alsace extension is available to anyone, anywhere.

How can I register my .alsace domain name?

Only registrars accredited by .alsace may register domain names. These registrars must have previously signed a contract with the .alsace registry.

If you usually register your domain names with unaccredited service providers, such as web agencies, computer retailers, lawyers or IP consultants, hosting service providers, communication agencies, etc., your service providers can register your .alsace domain name as usual, because they most likely have a reseller agreement with an accredited registrar.

Important: the .alsace registry does not sell domain names directly.

What is a premium domain?

A premium domain is a domain that has a high market value. Usually, it is a generic domain name, such as property.alsace, cycling.alsace, foiegras.alsace or house-rentals.alsace, marriage.alsace, sushis.alsace, etc.

So-called premium domains have higher registration prices.

Important: the prices of the premium domains are not indicated on this website. You will find them by searching for them directly through the registrars or by requesting them directly from the registrars.

You will be able to request premium domains as soon as the landrush period begins on 19 January 2015. At the end of the landrush period, if several applicants request the same premium domain, its price will be set through bidding at an auction, starting at the premium price.

On 7 April 2015, when sales are opened up to the general public, premium domains will be registered in the same way as any other domain, on a first-come, first-served basis.

In the following years, premium domain names are renewed at the standard .alsace price. There is no additional cost for renewing a premium domain.

This solution for important generic domains prevents speculative registrations.

How can you become a .alsace-accredited registrar that can sell .alsace domain names?

To be accredited by .alsace, in order to sell domain names, registrars must first be accredited by the ICANN. The list of these registrars may be found here: https://www.icann.org/registrar-reports/accredited-list.html

There are 17 in France, but the .alsace extension will accredit as many registrars as possible, regardless of their nationality.

However, non-ICANN-accredited resellers and registrars may still sell .alsace domain names, by going through an accredited registrar.

For accreditation, registrars should go to the following page: “Becoming a registrar accredited by .alsace”



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